Sunday, April 28, 2019

Australian Alps Walking Track - Davenport Village

DateSunday, 28 April 2019
StartAsgaard Lodge, Davenport Village
FinishAsgaard Lodge, Davenport Village

Daily Kilometres: 0.0

Total AAWT Kilometres235.1
WeatherCold and sunny
AccommodationAsgaard Lodge, Davenport Village
  BreakfastCereal and toast and peanut butter
  LunchHamburger and chips
  DinnerNachos and ice-cream
AchesAll mending
HighlightHaving a very quiet day doing chores, catching up on email, and eating. 
LowlightNone really
PicturesClick here
Map and PositionClick here for Google Map

We had quite a lazy day finishing laundry, sorting out food and other supplies for the next leg, and catching up on email, social media and phone calls.  In between, we managed to slip next door to the pub for morning tea and lunch.  Sadly, they close at 4pm on Sundays, so we had to make our own dinner.

We have quite a long day scheduled tomorrow, but the forecast is good and we know we are going to be travelling through some of the best alpine country Australia has to offer, so are looking forward to it.  Feeling refreshed and ready to hit the trail.

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